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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Andrew Makin & Peter Burtenshaw pass JKA DAN EXAMS

From left to right: Peter, me and Andrew
Congrats ANDREW MAKIN on your JKA NIDAN and PETER BURTENSHAW on your JKA SHODAN. I was very happy to present you both with your well earned degrees.

JKA is "The Keeper of Karate's Highest Tradition"..... Dan from JKA is the only truly authentic Shotokan ranks in the world.

The club and I are very proud of you both.

We are very thankful to Naka Shihan and Mori Shihan for their awesome training, also Zel Sensei for all of his amazing support.

Oss, Lyall Stone

Sunday, October 13, 2013

JKA Gankaku by Nozomi Oshima Sensei

Here is the correct way to do Gankaku:  

 Please notice that the side kicks are yoko-keage (not the incorrect use of yoko-kekomi), the stances and timing are not over-exaggerated, and the power is real.


Oss, Lyall Chief Instructor JKA-CHCH.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013


With Naka Shihan (JKA 7th Dan).
The club recently attended the JKA New Zealand Seminar (hosted by JKA Auckland). The seminar featured Mori Shihan (8th Dan), Naka Shihan (7th Dan), Keith Geyer Shihan (7th Dan) and Nakayama Sensei (4th Dan).

Hosted by Zel Sensei, as expected, every class was brilliant and those from JKA Christchurch who attended learned so much.

Matt, Andrew, Peter & Rachel catching up with Takuma.
A special congratulations to Peter Burtenshaw who passed his Shodan and Andrew Makin who passed his Nidan. Also congratulations to all the others who passed their exams, in particular, young Reece (now shodan) who came to the Christchurch seminar in June.

Zel Sensei (JKA 5th Dan)
I'd like to end by thanking everyone in Auckland and from overseas who we caught up, and especially Zel Sensei for organising this excellent event. We look forward to having Zel Sensei down in Christchurch again.

Peter with Mori Shihan (JKA 8th Dan

Oss, Lyall Stone
Chief Instructor

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Osu, Andre Sensei is now back in Japan. He arrived in Tokyo on the 4th of August.

He contacted me after returning to Japan to wish us all well and to offer his on-going support of the Christchurch Dojo.

Let's aim to lift our level for his next visit to JKA Christchurch. Also, for those wanting to train in Japan, his dojo in dojo in Aso-shi (Kumamoto-ken) is waiting for us. This is a huge opportunity for the club. He even has a guest room for visitors who come for private training.

While we miss Andre Sensei, we know that for last 20 years he has returned to Japan numerous times and it really is his home. We wish him the very best as Australasia's top traditional Shotokan karate technician and instructor. 

Lyall Stone
Chief Instructor of JKA CHRISTCHURCH

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


We now have JKA (Japan Karate Association) CHRISTCHURCH official club jackets. Sports bags, polo's and t's are also available. Please talk to me if you wish to make an order (JKA members only). Remember you can click on the following pictures to blow up the photos for closer examination.
Jackets are especially important for those going to Auckand for the seminar with Ueki Shihan, Mori Shihan, Naka Shihan and Keith Geyer Shihan! However it would be nice to see a club full of members with them.
Lastly, Andre Bertel Shihan will be running his final seminar in New Zealand on Saturday and Sunday (July 27th and 28th). People fly him all over the world to teach karate seminars, and here he is, right on your doorstep. Make sure you attend these for obvious reasons!
OSS, Lyall
JKA Christchurch Chief Instructor

Friday, July 5, 2013

Zel Unkovich Sensei Class at Christchurch JKA

Zel Unkovich Sensei (Chief Instructor of JKA Auckland and JKA New Zealand) came down to take a class at the Japan Karate Association of Christchurch.
Overall, Zel Sensei's session was appreciated by everyone, and focused on the current JKA execution of kihon and kata, which has evolved significantly. Japan Karate Association of New Zealand can only continue to grow strongly nationwide with such superb instruction.

I would personally like the thank Zel Sensei for coming down to Christchurch.

Oss, Lyall Stone

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Andre Bertel Shihan (6 Dan) teaching in South Africa

Here are four videos from André Bertel Shihan (6. Dan) teaching in South Africa earlier this year. André Shihan will be running a small course in Christchurch during the last week of July. Please check his website for details:

Oss, Lyall Stone
JKA Christchurch Chief Instructor

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


ORGANISATION: The Japan Association of Christchurch is run by Canterbury chief instructor Lyall Stone Sensei and is supported by black belt instructors, Matt Brew, Andrew Makin and André Bertel Sensei. In April of 2013 the club joined the JKA through Zel Unkovich Sensei in Auckland ( We are located in the heart of Christchurch City at the CPIT (Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology) Gym.
 Official notification & upcoming course: Furthermore, please check the following notification in regards to the club joining and, the upcoming technical seminar with JKA Chief Instructor Ueki Sensei, Mori Sensei, Geyer Sensei and Naka Sensei (click here: All club members are invited to this event and highly encouraged to attend.
 ABOUT JKA: Based in Tokyo, the Japan Karate Association is the largest and most prestigious Shotokan karate organisation in the world, and the only legal karate entity officially recognized by the Japanese government (as an association of members for the promotion of karate). Please visit the JKA Japan World Headquarters Website for more information:
TEL: (021) 204-2373 (Lyall Sensei)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

JKA Christchurch Class Schedule

The JKA Christchurch class schedule at present is as follows:

(for total beginners)

TUESDAY & THURSDAY: 6pm -7:30pm at the CPIT Gym. For details please email me at

We have other classes which are available upon invitation including advanced trainings and our instructors class.
Osu, Lyall Stone